Greet the new year with More Nature

Greet the new year with More Nature

“Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.”
“Green I want you green.
Green wind, green boughs.”

Such passionate lines from the great Spanish poet Federico García Lorca (1898–1936), in his poem Romance sonámbulo (Sleepwalking Ballad). “Green I want you green” he writes. In these words, you can almost taste the intensity of longing for this colour, but more than that, they seem to vibrate with a yearning for everything the colour green stands for.

Hope. Freshness. Renewal.  Energy. Youth. Health. Growth. Constancy. Nature.

 Aren’t some of these among the things we long for in our daily lives? And perhaps with never more urgency than when an old year turns into a new one? Hope, and freshness? A chance for renewal?  Nature?  

 So many New Years start with the desire for better times, renewed energy, less clutter, more love, perhaps. Some of us resolve to make big changes in our lives; others decide that small, daily increments are the way to go. What will be your approach to 2023?

 Will you want to embrace more healthy habits? Finally start that vegetable patch? Try to use natural and environmentally-friendly products for your body, your hair, and for cleaning your home? Recycle or upcycle your clothing in preference to buying more items? Redouble your efforts to avoid plastic, unless it’s recycled and recylable? Make a promise to yourself that you’ll connect in some way with the healing energy of nature, every single day?

What could those connections look like? It actually takes as little—or as much—effort and time you have to spare.

Like going for a walk—whatever the weather—or spending a moment outdoors at night, stargazing. Growing rosemary, thyme, and oregano in a window box, and delighting in the greenery and their woody aromas, year-round. Inhaling the scent of the earth and trees after a downpour.  Using products that harness the amazing sensory and antiseptic power of the essential oils from native plants, to take care of your cleaning, laundry, bathtime and bedtime rituals.

It’s all practical and possible and, even if you make the smallest effort, what you get back is potentially so much greater than what you’ve put in. To paraphrase the late, great ecologist John Muir (1838–1914), in every encounter with nature, we receive far more than we seek.

And whenever you want to find ways of encountering and connecting with nature, at Koala Eco we’re here full of encouragement, and practical solutions. What we want is simply for people to experience more nature, and feel better as a result.  We totally embrace what American poet and environmentalist Gary Snyder writes: “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” And we have many suggestions for you to feel not only at home in nature, but also to make your home harmonise with nature too.

So if a thorough house clean at the beginning of 2023 is part of your plan to set yourself up in a positive way for the rest of the year, we have everything you could need: safe, powerful, plant-based products for a clean home, body and mind.  

Freshness. Renewal. Energy. Health. Growth. No wonder green, the predominant colour of, and for, nature has such resonance for us all. We wish you a truly green, hopeful and energised beginning to 2023.

“The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
“Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.”


From The Trees by English poet Philip Larkin (1922–1985)

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