Conversation with Kate Wolfson:  nature, memories, and inspiration

Conversation with Kate Wolfson: nature, memories, and inspiration

Writer, brand consultant and editor Kate Wolfson is known for her insightful contributions to various notable publications, including goop. With a background in journalism and a keen eye for storytelling, Kate has made a significant impact in the media industry. Her work often explores the intersection of culture, lifestyle, and human interest, bringing compelling narratives to a wide audience. Her passion project is writing her substack called Present Perfect. As a passionate advocate for thoughtful and authentic content, Kate continues to influence and inspire through her written words. Fortunately, I have gotten to know Kate over the past few years through my twin sister Dee. During my recent trip to Los Angeles, I enjoyed catching up and interviewing Kate for our latest Hour in Nature.

What are your fondest memories of spending time in nature?

This is going waaaaaaaaay back. But. One of my earliest childhood memories is going fishing with my father and grandfather. I remember it being a frigid, wet morning and the mosquitos were relentless, but the experience of being out there with these two men who took up such a huge part of my world wasn't even a little bit marred. Both have passed, I haven't gone fishing since, and the memory is admittedly fuzzy—making it that much more dreamy.

Many of us are time-poor and might not get out into nature as much as we’d like. Any suggestions for a quick nature-based pick-me-up? Something sensory, experiential…? 

I'm an indoor person, meaning that the thought of nature being right there for the taking, to indulge in it, doesn't occur to me, well, naturally. People much smarter than I insist that the only way to build a habit is to consistently do the thing. So, I've been consciously reminding myself to spend at least an hour of my day on our balcony. Reading in various iterations is a big part of my daily life, so I marry the two activities together whenever Google Calendar allows.

What is your favorite natural scent, and why? Oh man, how to choose? Scent is so visceral as it's directly connected to memory, right?

For home, I prefer lush, citrusy, woodsy scents (obviously the Koala room spray checks all my boxes here). For personal fragrance, I'm loath to narrow it down, but since you asked nicely: I'm most drawn to verdant scents like shiso, moss, sandalwood and headier musks, sandalwoods, and clean skin.

Can you describe an experience when you’ve been made to feel fully in awe—and perhaps even uncomfortably—aware of the power of nature?

Watching my children respond to nature, particularly to water, is a most humbling experience. Anytime they are in the vicinity of an ocean, there is no tearing them away. All sibling squabbles melt away and they are just two humans absorbing all that liquid magic into their little souls. Hours can go by and they're just entranced by the ebb and flow of the tide—no fear, no holding back. It's kind of primal. I'd give up a lot to be able to let go like that as a grownup.

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